Massages are currently offered in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
Thank you for your interest in the massage work that is offered on this page.
I want to share with you a couple of paragraphs why and what types of massages I offer as well as the benefits you might take away from receiving one.
Traditional Thai:
This massage consists of stretching and pressing techniques.
Possible experienced effects from receiving a Thai Massage:
- Feeling held and cared for
- Feeling deeply relaxed, in a meditative kind of state
- Feeling alive
- Feeling refreshed
- Physically feeling more spaciousness and relaxation in the body
The receiver wears comfortable clothing.
Regular Massage with oil – deep tissue (if desired).
Using oil and if wished for also some essential oils. This massage contains longer strokes and flowing movements as well as more targeted, deeper tissue focused massage techniques.
In either massage I communicate with you about the strength of pressure that you want to receive.
It was in the summer of 2013 when I started massaging my parents and noticing how much I enjoyed it! 🙂
Shortly after that I went to India and had first experiences with Ayurvedic Massage and philosophy.
India was also the place where I stayed in an Ashram for two months, practicing daily Yoga. It was there where I realised that body and mind form in fact: the bodymind.
After India I went straight to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage in Chiang Mai. I did two courses there. Basic and Advanced Techniques. It was a sweaty learning experience 😁
I was blessed to have the opportunity of working in a 5-star hotel’s spa in Mexico in which I was introduced to Deep Tissue, Swedish and even Mayan massage techniques. Around the same time I got into a romance with a man who had a reputation for giving some of the best Thai Massages in the area. For 9 months I was lucky to live with and learn from this human.
My own practice of psychosomatic awareness and healing informs my massages. On top of that I draw from sensitivtiy and intuition.
I wish for the people who come to me for massage that they may feel a sense of relieve from pains or stressors as well as a deeper connection to their own physical and subtle body(ies).
It depends on your needs and preferences. We can have a chat and see what feels most exciting and suitable for you at the moment.
You may also look at the first paragraph again, in which the massages are explained.
For a 75 minute massage there are 3 price options, depending on your financial ability (counting on honesty):
50,-€, 55,-€ or 60,-€
⋆ 2018: Dynamic Thai Massage w/Till Heeg (3 days)
⋆ 2017: Osteothai for inner organs w/ David Lutt (30hr)
⋆ 2014: Thai Massage – Advanced Techniques at Khunchamnan Family in Chiang Mai, Thailand (30hr)
⋆ 2014:Basic Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand (30hr)
⋆ 2013: Basic Ayurveda training and Massage at Anjali Ayurveda Center in Kerala, India (1 month)
⋆ 2019-2021: Coaching training in Sexuality, Love & Relationships – Trauma-informed w/ Layla Martin (650hr)
⋆ 2016-2019: Yoga teacher training w/ Ronald & Melanie Steiner (500hr)
In Retreats, courses, or 1:1 work:
⋆ Ronja Sebastian
⋆ Andela Blazevic
⋆ Natasha Haddad
⋆ Dr. Saida Desilets
⋆ Layla Martin
⋆ and more