Deep down (poem)

Deep down…don’t we know and feelwhat we need for our harmony? We receive the hintsfrom our emotions -recurring agitationand frustration,sadness and discontent about the partner,the living circumstance,the work, the (so called) friend… and if we have the privilege, we may choose:whether we take the step by step path of making a move or we keep spinning in circles of […]

Little story from a city experience

I am currently in Berlin…and realising on a visceral level once again the intense hectic and numbness that flows through society. I see people homeless asking for money and support.I see myself and others shutting off. The other day when a woman asked me for money, I first turned away with a lazy “no sorry”.Then, […]

For some of us, sex may not just be “for fun”

I do not feel that sex can only be had “for fun” in our current world. There are so many aspects and layers to our human experience and I gotta say: Since I dove into the world of psychosomatics and trauma information, I have come to learn that each of us carries wounding. Whether those […]

A prayer.

Praying for me and us humans to wake up. To the tenderness of our hearts. To the intensity of our rage. To our inherent capacity to be kind. My feeling is that we are all suffering on some level.Suffering from the suffering in the world.From our separation from each other, our essence, Mother Earth and […]

Ponderings about Peace

Ponderings about Peace Photo credit: Javardh (Unsplash) What do we feel about peace? Simply that it is the absence of war? Our minds and bodies have been infiltrated with visions and beliefs of “this is just what it is kinda war” for millennia. Can we take the time to contemplate what peace really looks and […]

On being/getting centered

If I truly want to be centered / get to my innermost being and core…. I don’t see it work by bypassing the depth of my human-ness (this life and previous ones) and the pain in there as they inevitably lie on the path to this core and sense of unity…

Approaching peace from a selfish or humanitarian point…

Craving peace, justice that feels right to the depth of our beings and which doesn’t require a myriad of intellectual laws…a feeling of deep connection – to oneself, the creation of this marvelous existence and to our fellow humans…. We can come from the selfish seeming point of perspective and wanting good feelings and a […]

Imagining a world…

Imagining a world where we humans speak instead of about each other, 𝘵𝘰 each other. Wondering – even the words that we have within our minds about each other…what if we turn them into curiosity 𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘴 each other?

Something about “World news”

Whenever I see one scene, one picture, one sentence about the world’s “news”, I usually have enough. Enough information that can be digested. Enough emotions that come up to be processed. Enough to dive into the well of collective pain from which treasure can be collected if I go into the well really and deeply. […]